Thursday, March 10, 2005


This blog entry is dedicated to the people I rarely communicate with, but think are awesome. If you feel that you are not one of these people, read no further. If you are bored by the idea of reading about people who are not you (you self-centered asshole), read no further. If you would rather watch reruns of the Real World, read no further. If you can't read at all, stop looking at this, you're wasting your time. Let the shout-outs begin!

1. Kathryn Stickney - You are awesome and I wish I had your e-mail address! Congratulations on seminary - I'm really proud of you. In Kyrgyz, we say 'ak jyrek,' which mean 'pure-hearted.' This makes me think of you.
2. Lamar Brown - Though we have never met in my life, you are my own personal hero. Thank you for the walkie-talkies and all the delicious treats you send to your son, which he then shares with me. You seem cool - I'm sorry that Sean is such a bitch.
3. Reuben Person - If I could, I would drop the Peace Corps and move to New Zealand to hang out and have adventures with you. You better not be sharing the Reuben Tiggle Jiggle with other girls, because I will kill them with my own two hands.
4. Katie Grimes - When will the old hotness and the new hotness be reunited? When?
5. Chris Patnode - Thank you for always commenting on my lame blogs and for sending me delicious chex mix. We ate it in one sitting and it was irresistible.
6. The Makers of Clone - You have remade my life from something lost and floating into something with drive and direction - the need to watch Clone every night at 7pm. My life has a purpose again.
7. The US government and all you taxpayers - Thank you for giving me a job, you suckers.
8. Ayn Rand - Even though you are dead, maybe someone will get you this message: you are amazing! I don't know how right-on the whole Objectivism thing is and sometimes I find you rather heartless, but keep on rocking for all those above-average people out there!

This concludes my shout-outs for today. Stay prepared for the next update - maybe you'll be on it.


Unknown said...

Hey Ailey-

Check out my blog:

Read my rants about life and Republicans. Cry with me, laugh with me- I promise it will be a journey you never forget.

Love you sis,

Unknown said...
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