Thursday, April 13, 2006

The small, still voice

Last week, I received my invitation for the JET program (to learn more about JET, check-out the website at If I want to go, I need to send in my letter of acceptance by April 24th. I've been hanging on to my letter for over seven days now. I know what I need to do, but I feel like I'm waiting for that small, still voice to turn into a bolt of lightening and strike me down with the correct answer. A year in Japan would definitely be, as my friend Nick says, sadical (sad/radical). Sad because I'd miss my friends and family and, of course, the city, but it would be an awesome experience and completely radical. Sadical - get it? Well, stay posted to find out if I'm wise enough to trust the small, still voice. I could be posting from Japan in four months.


ChaosCaro said...

take the opportunity! You can´t do it in 10 years when you have little kids- so now or never!!

Sean Brown said...

Hi, this is the small still voice. Sorry I'm late but I just wanted to let you know that this is a wonderful opportunity for you to travel, learn about a completely foreign culture and ultimately become a better person. It will also allow you to keep your friend Sean, who is stranded in neighboring, and less cool, Korea, company. Start packing your bags.

Unknown said...

Wait a second, Sean. Don't I know you from somewhere else? Didn't we, by chance, meet in a completely foreign country and, together, learn about its culture and language and people? Did we not become better people during that experience? Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong Sean, but I'd swear that I recognize your name . . . I'm just saying.