Friday, May 05, 2006

Things that the Filthy Rich have and I don't

After catering a party last night for some Filthy Rich, I realized that there are many things that the Filthy Rich have that I don't. I'm of the mind that they actually want to keep these things secret from the Other People, perhaps to perpetuate the idea of a 'classless' society. My friends, this 'classless' society is a hoax! You read it here first! Please don't be too upset by this revelation, I'm just trying to keep it real. Let the listing begin:

1. Filthy Rich own the entire floor of a high-rise building in downtown Seattle. This entire floor is their home.
2. Filthy Rich have foreign butlers that live with them. The butler's apartment is nicer than your house. It is also nicer than your neighbor's really nice house. It is nicer than that Guy-at-work-with-the-really-nice-house's house. I could go on.
3. Filthy Rich have 360 degree views of the city. Oh yes, the Filthy Rich also have glass walls.
4. Filthy Rich host catered dinners for a friend's birthday. Filthy Rich present this friend with a gift of Chihuly glass.
5. Filthy Rich age beautifully. Because they can.
6. Filthy Rich are patrons of the arts and they have a LOT of it. Their art is worth more than Other People's lives.
7. Filthy Rich have a faux-driftwood horse actually made out of iron. Because it is cute, this iron horse is 'eating' out of a Chihuly trough.
8. Did I say 'entire floor'? I meant to say that the Filthy Rich own two floorS of high-rise buildings in downtown Seattle. My mistake.
9. Filthy Rich have things that Other People have never seen before - like doors that look like wooden walls. They have these because doors are unattractive.
10. Filthy Rich have an entire room for their security system. This is to keep Other People from coming in and seeing their things or, even worse, taking them. It is important to have thousands of flashing red lights because this will intimidate Other People.

So, as you can see, Filthy Rich have many, many things that we Other People might never even dream of. For example:

I am currently thinking about how much I could sell this chandelier for, because I'm hungry and broke. I am so obviously an Other Person.

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