Wednesday, May 10, 2006

How accurate are these translators? I mean, really?

Because this is what my friend Carolin's blog looks like, translated from the German to the English:

Small summary

Since my time in Boston the end leans, I will offer now a small summary to you: - so far ever so much rent for a so beschissenes room did not pay (185$ per week!!) - this was in Boston the cheapest room which I find could - cooked only eimal, with Jacqueline, because I have no kitchen - not 10 Kilos increased, separate approx. 2 Kilos decreased, despite Burger!! - in 3 months approx. 5 cigarettes smoked, perhaps also 7… - was nevertheless only 5 times joggen - 4 times Lobster ate (more would actually have had to be) - 3 time with the Karaoke sang (Ain't NO Mountain high enough, Mrs Robinson and Creep - me thereby probably quite disgraced - 5 nice Americans became acquainted with, whom definitely better all Bush can hate and sing than I - 2 of the Americans will see perhaps next year in Greece - was 2 times in the Atlantic swim - has definitely more vacation made than I has might - were in 5 different Federal States (Massachustes, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York) + Canada - to New York town center will drive tomorrow!!! - in addition, are glad, if I am on Wednesday again at home

I'll stop there, namely because that's as much as the translator would process at one time and I'm too lazy to continue. My favorite quote is, "not 10 Kilos increased, separate approx. 2 Kilos decreased, despite burger!!" I think that this is referring to the fact that she didn't gain any weight, despite all of the burgers. Ironically (correct use of the word?), I gained about twenty pounds when I went to see Carolin in Germany, probably from eating too much Bratwurst.

Why doesn't someone create a grammatically accurate translator? And why doesn't Carolin blog in English?


Barkernews said...

Today was my road bicycle on the car and the system was in the correct place. However was my understanding other where. I thought on mean class participant, who was held at school today for blowing up a bathroom in a general park with a tubing bomb. I reached down, opened the garage door, drove slowly inside and… Bam! Damnit. Damnit damnit damnit damnit damnit. The bicycle looks structurally soundly, but the rear derailleur necessities something chief work. Fortunately our bicycles sit on the Subaru backwards, therefore the rear wheel took main interest. Unluckily, our bicycles sit on the Subraru backwards, therefore the rear looks derailleur like shit.


Heute war mein Straße Fahrrad auf dem Auto und das System war an der richtigen Stelle. Jedoch war mein Verstand anderwohin. Ich dachte an meinen Kursteilnehmer, der in der Schule heute für das Sprengen eines Badezimmers in einem allgemeinen Park mit einer Rohrbombe festgehalten wurde. Ich erreichte unten, geöffnet der Garagetür, fuhr langsam innen und… Bam! Damnit. Damnit damnit damnit damnit damnit. Das Fahrrad schaut strukturell stichhaltig, aber die hinteren derailleur Notwendigkeiten etwas Hauptarbeit. Glücklicherweise sitzen unsere Fahrräder auf das Subaru rückwärts, also nahm das hintere Rad das Hauptgewicht. Unluckily, unsere Fahrräder sitzen auf das Subraru rückwärts, also sieht das hintere derailleur wie Scheiße aus.

Unknown said...

Sunday night dragged we finally down to the cellar, shifted the bicycle, found the direct transmission, gestaubsogen all dog hair away of futon, and eingeschalten our television.

I like how 'eingeschalten' was translated from English to German and, apparently, doesn't even translate BACK into English. This is hilarious. I'd like Carolin's opinion on how accurate the German actually is:

Sonntag Nacht schleppten wir schließlich unten zum Keller, verschoben das Fahrrad, fanden die Direktübertragung, gestaubsogen allem Hundehaar weg vom futon, und eingeschalten unserem Fernsehen.

Unknown said...
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ChaosCaro said...

This is sooo funny!!! I´m sorry for not blogging in English, but I haven´t blogged anything since I came back from Boston. It was just an idea of not having to write so many emails to my German friends.
The German translation is propably a little bit better than the English version, but actually no sentense is right. If I start blogging again, I´ll make an extra Ailey English part. And by the way you did not gain 20 Pounds from eating Bratwurst 3 days long.
Das war wohl eher das fettige Essen in Spanien...
Bis bald, Caro

ChaosCaro said...

I just blogged only for you in English!!

Unknown said...

This actually kind of makes sense. Thanks for confirming that I gained twenty pounds, though, Caro!

That was probably rather the greasy meal in Spain… until soon, Caro