The legend himself, Dirty Mario! Because he has taken it upon himself to prove every Italian stereotype to be true, he was cooking pizza, sporting a generous moustache, and gesticulating wildly to the bemused Japanese passers-by. And to really drive home the fact that he is, indeed, Italian he played his accordion on the sidewalk in front of the pizza stand! Mario pushed so many pieces of pizza on Travy and I that I felt full to my toes. Then, true to form, he gave us each a sweaty hug and said, "Heya! I've been-a waiting all day to touch a pretty woman!" and laughed his dirty laugh.
He may be dirty, but he makes some damn good pizza.

I don't know why I'm about to insert this piece of pizza into my nose.

Does he look Italian to you?
The pizza was great! And I'm glad I got to see the mythical Mario. I wish his sign said "Super Mario" instead of "Mario Super," but customers disabled by laughter probably don't buy as much pizza.
Wait . . . he had a sign that said 'Mario Super'?! And I didn't see it? Dammit!
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