Sunday, July 24, 2011

Two Years Later

It's been about two years since my last blog post. To summarize what I've been doing since July 2009:
  • I got married (woot-woot!);
  • I got an actual job at an actual international nonprofit (and I love it);
  • I went to Liberia for work (my first trip to Africa);
  • I went on vacation;
  • I ran a half-marathon (and started training for another);
  • I started learning Russian; and,
  • I got a Fulbright to Kyrgyzstan!
This last point is my main inspiration for jumping back into the blogosphere. Day to day life in Seattle is great, but not interesting enough to write about every day. Nor is it interesting enough to read about every day. In contrast, day to day life in Kyrgyzstan is very interesting. If you've been reading this blog for a long time (i.e. if you're my Mom or my sister), then you probably remember stories about almost getting trampled by young stallions bolting down the road. That doesn't happen here. Civil Unrest Fest? That also doesn't happen here.

What I'm trying to say is, after six years, I'm going back to Kyrgyzstan. And I'm pretty excited about it.

1 comment:

Umut Kakeeva said...

paSix year later I was very sad when you left Kyrgyzstan and I am happy for your returning! I deeply respect our friendship. Unfortunately, I will not be here. Good luck!