This is quite possibly the best post-skiing drink I've ever had. Thanks to the Black Diamond Lodge in Niseko, Hokkaido, for putting this exquisite concoction together. And thanks again for sharing the recipe. I can't wait to make one!
Recipe for the Milky Kiss (maybe best hot drink ever)
1/2 shot Baileys
1/2 shot Kaluha
A bit of sugar and cocoa
Steamed milk
Topped with cinnamon and cocoa
Drink after a long day of powder skiing, preferably in a warm lodge while it's snowing outside. It's a recipe for complete and total contentedness.
this sounds amazing. it also is a good candidate for a pre-work riding the bus in a thermos drink. Not that I would recommend that sort of thing. I just got the idea from college days and times spent studying in library...take care!
Denise, could you by chance be referring to an old friends of ours? I know for a fact that you weren't studying in any libraries!
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