Monday, December 24, 2007


Ritchie, like locals of any place in the world, hasn't seen many of the famous sites in the UK. Because I'm not a UK local, I try to remedy this whenever I visit. Therefore, we journeyed to Bath. After three hours of driving, we easily found the city, but it took us an hour of driving up and down medieval streets to actually find the Bed and Breakfast where we were staying.

Tensions were high, so we decided to decompress by buying tickets to a Pantomime - Aladdin:

Though the story was Aladdin, the Pantomime took place in Peking. Were the writers trying to avoid offending the Middle Eastern population by packing the play with Chinese stereotypes instead? Despite the untraditional setting, the play was a lot of fun.

A trip to Bath is not complete without a trip to the city's namesake, the Roman Baths:

This picture shows the Baths as the were in Roman times, with Bath Abbey in the background. In Georgian times, the water level was higher.

Ailey converses with a Roman aristocrat.

Ailey and Ritchie in front of the Roman piping that feeds water into the Baths.

The city of Bath offers free walking tours of the city, so we braved the freezing weather to brush up on our Georgian history:

The tour guide gives a history of the Royal Crescent.

Some very expensive real estate, the Royal Circus.

A sample of the city's narrow, winding streets.
We also visited Bath Abbey, but it looks like any other medieval/Renaissance church so I'll spare you the photos. After a day of walking in the freezing cold, we scrapped plans to drive across the bridge into Wales and returned to Ritchie's parents' house.

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