Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Me and My Swollen Eye

Something extremely mysterious is going on here in Sammamish and it has to do with my swollen eye. The mystery is, how did I get this swollen eye? Why does my swollen eye hurt so badly? Most importantly, will my swollen eye reduce in size before I leave for Las Vegas on Friday? I'm curious as to why I have only one swollen eye and not two, but I guess I should be thankful. Apparently it's not that noticeable, but I feel like Quasimodo and think that everyone is constantly looking at my eye. I hope that this is not permanent. In yoga this morning while doing the Downward Dog, I could feel the blood pumping in my swollen eye and it felt like someone punching me repeatedly. Then, while drinking a capuccino and reading at Victor's Coffee, I had to hold the book directly in front of my left eye because the other was too swollen and blurry to use. I hate my swollen eye.

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