This email has been floating around my office all day and I love it:
Dear Friends,
The Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan sends to you our best wishes and most sincere New Year congratulations!
In Oriental tradition, the year 2009 is the year of Ox. The Ox comes second in the twelve year astronomical cycle and, according to a legend, was chosen to be second for his kindness and hard work. The Ox year will bring stability and growth where patience and diligence pays off. 2009 is believed to be a year of harvest – when we reap what we have sown.
Let the New Year be the year of stability and well-being, let the hope and change that followed us throughout 2008 be the guiding star in 2009!
The friendship between Kazakhstan and the United States is on the rise and both countries, even in difficult times, have every right to look in the future with genuine optimism.
Happy New Year!